Our Team

Margaret Forbes

Manager, Housing Policy and Research

Margaret is the Manager of Research and Policy at SHS. Margaret is a passionate ally for those seeking equity and a long time advocate for equitable access to income, housing and food security. Margaret has brought her collaborative, person-centered, problem-solving approach to her leadership and consulting roles in a number of community sectors, and as a result has a deep understanding and awareness of the strengths, issues, and challenges of those seeking equity she can bring to a project.

Margaret is adept at mixed method research and enjoys bringing the conversations she hears through engagement processes to life within reports. When Margaret is not working she can be found hiking trails and paddling in her kayak, or creating art in her pottery studio.

Current work

Margaret is project managing several projects focussed on housing, need and demand, wait list management, affordable housing strategy, and amalgamation best practice.


Master of Public Administration (Queen's University)

Bachelor of Professional Arts, Human Services (Athabasca University)
