Our Team

Nandita Bijur

Senior Innovation Designer

Nandita recently joined SHS as a Senior Innovation Designer. In this role, she leads participatory research and design with key stakeholders, especially people with lived experience of the challenges she's designing for, to develop strategies for systemic change in the housing sector. She brings her expertise in project management, facilitating design research processes (interviews, co-design workshops, prototyping sessions, etc.), and sense-making and synthesis.

With a focus on equity-centred design research, Nandita has a keen interest in understanding the complexities of a system and building structures and processes for people and communities to design ways to make it better.

Nandita is committed to building an equity lens at every step of the design process. She is passionate about using her experience doing service design and design research to work towards systemic change in housing.

Current work

Nandita is currently working on understanding and designing new solutions for housing supply in the GTA.


Master of Science, Building and Urban Design in Development (University College London)

Bachelor of Social Sciences, International Development and Globalization (University of Ottawa)
